
Children’s Ballet & Dance Program 2019/2020

Starting the 16th of September

The only dance program developed to introduce children to the ballet classics and other dance styles within one year. All classes are held in English with the specific terminology in French.
By learning traditional rules and techniques that have been passed from one generation to another over the centuries, classical ballet offers children the opportunity to develop self-confidence, self-discipline, posture and artistic sense.
Under the guidance of the professional ballet teacher the students will develop creativity, grace and balance that will help releasing the natural talent all children are gifted with.
Classes are held 2 times a week. Attending classes regularly is the key to making most out of the program. Routine helps children grasping all the principles and movements fast and enjoy the visible progress.
Children’s class attendees can also visit monthly workshops that will introduce them to the new dance styles and expand their knowledge. At the end of the school year all children will be awarded with the honorary certificates acknowledging their accomplishments.

The Ballet & Dance Program 2019/2020 includes

  • Ballet Classes
  • Modern Children’s Dance
  • Character Dance
  • Monthly Workshops – Jazz and Lyrical Dance
Twice a year – before the Christmas and summer breaks - the students are advised to take part in the studio’s public performances. The winter show will be held in the studio, while the summer one will take place on the stage of the partnering theater. Both shows will be recorded and videos will be handed out to parents.
To attend classes, children need appropriate attire: leotard, training skirt and soft ballet shoes. You can purchase those at the studio.

4 Classes / Month


  • All dance classes
  • 1 Class/Week
  • Additional rehearsals
  • December Performance
  • Summer Performance costumes -10%
  • 10% Discount on outfits

8 Classes / Month


  • All dance classes
  • 2 Classes/Week
  • Additional rehearsals
  • December Performance
  • Summer Performance costumes -10%
  • 15% Discount on outfits

A group has a maximum of 10 children. If the group is complete your child will be automatically put on the waiting list. The admission period it's starting on August 26th 2019.

Registrations OPEN for school year 2019/2020!


Learning dancing is fun!

Our “Ballet and dance” program begins at the age of five.

The curriculum is created to encourage age appropriate creativity, musicality, and physicality.

Your child will dance and have fun while absorbing the foundations of ballet.

Dancers will be born from creative self-expression and basic ballet steps!